Powershell login as user
Running PowerShell as another user, and launching a script
You can open a new powershell window under a specified user credential like this: start powershell -credential “”.
Run PowerShell as another user – Daniel Schroeder
Run PowerShell as another user – Daniel Schroeder’s Programming Blog
Oct 10, 2022 — The trick to running PowerShell on the local machine as a different user is to use Enter-PSSession (see the docs) or Invoke-Command (see the …
I was looking for a way to run a PowerShell script as another user in our deployment pipeline. There are many reasons you might want to do this; for me I needed to run some commands against a database that only supported Integrated Security, not SQL logins, and thus my script needed to run as the domain user with appropriate database permissions.
Run PowerShell script as a different user and elevated
Jan 21, 2021 — Shift+Right-click > Run as different user > Domain admin. Then do your runas to elevate from there (as the domain admin): Start-Process …
Login-User – Sitecore PowerShell Extensions
Logs a user in and performs further script instructions in the context of the user. Syntax. Login-User [-Identity]
Running PowerShell as Another User and Launching a Script
To run a PowerShell script as a different user, first, open and log in to “Windows PowerShell Credential Request”. After that, execute the script from it.
Run a PowerShell script as a different user – Blog
blog.atwork.at | Run a PowerShell script as a different user
Jun 25, 2020 — Sign-in with a local user or a domain user and the password. Note: The straight forward process would be to open a new PowerShell window as …
blog.atwork.at – news and know-how about microsoft, technology, cloud and more. – Sometimes it´s required to run a script as a service user on a Windows machine, e.g. for reading file shares as a different user with different permissions or similar tasks. You can easily do this using the following two methods.
PowerShell Run as Different User | Delft Stack
Jan 17, 2022 — There are ways to change the user account by using the PowerShell application. First, you should open the PowerShell application. Then, the …
This article introduces how to run as a different user in powershell.
Run PowerShell with different credentials without prompt on …
Run PowerShell with different credentials without prompt on remote machines – Microsoft Community Hub
Aug 18, 2021 — I want to run the below command using different user (domainadministrator) without prompting to enter password, basically I want to append …
I want to run the below command using different user (domainadministrator) without prompting to enter password, basically I want to append the
How to get the current logged on user on PowerShell
Nov 27, 2013 — Basically I am using a logon script that starts a powershell process as another user. Now here’s the two questions I have:.
Here’s a few ways to find out the current logged on user via PowerShell.
Using the Dynamic PowerShell to Get Current Users
Aug 13, 2021 — The WindowsIdentity class is another .NET class you can invoke in PowerShell to get the current user. This class has a method called …
Learn how use PowerShell to get current users in this step-by-step tutorial walking you through how to do so many different ways!
Keywords: powershell login as user